I've been flipping back and forth with my feelings towards February 14th. Some days it's "Eh, it's just another day." Other times it's a pathetic reminder of 2008's events. Yes, I know, TWO years ago. I want to bury the past and enjoy my present happiness with the new bf, but a tiny part of me is tempted to dig up the old and bear that cross for Valentine's Day. And the fact that I know I have complete control over my feelings and am considering choosing the miserable path is admittedly ludicrous. Either way, I'd be perfectly happy staying in and treating it like any other day silently acknowledging the fact that it'd cater to my silly notion that the holiday will always be The Day We Broke Up.
But there's another reason why I don't care if Sunday quietly comes and goes - one I'd rather focus on. When you're with someone who tells you how amazing you are and how he can't get enough of you every single day, then you don't need a specific day dedicated to telling each other how much we care. You don't need roses or a fancy night out on the town. There's no real need for Hallmarks or candy because at the end of it all, gifts don't truly signify how important you are to this person. If you communicate that regularly, the lovey-dovey holiday isn't such a huge deal.
Some women would be absolutely livid if her man dared to plan something less than spectacular or - gasp! - didn't buy anything at all. If this day holds that much meaning to you that the very foundations of your sanity rest on whether he bought the right flowers or not, then ask yourself why. Is this the only day of the year when you two express how you feel towards each other? Or is it because we've been conditioned to think that real love comes packaged and tied up in a pretty red bow? Question why material possessions hold such value for you and if you'd be content with nothing but a hug. Be honest.
This time around, I'm aiming towards simple and without expectations. Just spending the day together - even if we do the most mundane thing on Earth - would be more than enough.
But there's another reason why I don't care if Sunday quietly comes and goes - one I'd rather focus on. When you're with someone who tells you how amazing you are and how he can't get enough of you every single day, then you don't need a specific day dedicated to telling each other how much we care. You don't need roses or a fancy night out on the town. There's no real need for Hallmarks or candy because at the end of it all, gifts don't truly signify how important you are to this person. If you communicate that regularly, the lovey-dovey holiday isn't such a huge deal.
Some women would be absolutely livid if her man dared to plan something less than spectacular or - gasp! - didn't buy anything at all. If this day holds that much meaning to you that the very foundations of your sanity rest on whether he bought the right flowers or not, then ask yourself why. Is this the only day of the year when you two express how you feel towards each other? Or is it because we've been conditioned to think that real love comes packaged and tied up in a pretty red bow? Question why material possessions hold such value for you and if you'd be content with nothing but a hug. Be honest.
This time around, I'm aiming towards simple and without expectations. Just spending the day together - even if we do the most mundane thing on Earth - would be more than enough.
Image: southerncharmz.wordpress.com