Hello, April

I don't know about yours, but my April has been off to a beautiful start. Friday evening, I surprised A. with a picnic in Central Park. We threw the frisbee around (I sucked by the way)...

and checked out this couple making out in a tree. I was so tempted to run up to them and sing the k-i-s-s-i-n-g song, but I didn't want to ruin their moment. A. and I had ours an hour later when we finally said the l-word :)

Much to my delight, Saturday was incredibly spontaneous. (I love walking around aimlessly, don't you?) Our first stop was Newmindspace's massive pillow fight in Union Square. Unfortunately, we didn't bring pillows to beat the crap out of total strangers with so instead we chilled by the sidelines and watched the madness unfold. Even Waldo made an appearance!

Then we walked down to Astor Place where we grabbed strawberry and banana crepes and empanadas at a street fair while popping into random stores and pointing out "Pillow People" along the way.

Sunday's warmth was just calling for another trip to the park. We set up mat in Sheep Meadow, played frisbee (I rock now by the way) and did some serious people watching (read: checked out the sunbathers). It was nice to just lay on green grass again.

See? A beautiful start. How was yours?

Oh, and for those who didn't warn me that Up is the saddest movie on Earth: good looking out, punks.