Transferrable Skills of Past Relationships

Have you ever sat and thought about all the stuff you did (or didn't want to do) in your previous relationships that then made you a much better boy/girlfriend in your following ones? Because that's exactly what I was thinking of Sunday night when I was hanging out with A.and some of his (and now my) friends to watch the Yankees v Red Sox opening day game. Back when I was with Mr. First, I'd want to spoon my eyes out whenever I got stuck watching sports on TV. You cannot imagine the boredom. (Attending Phillies games was a different story. I actually enjoyed those.) But because he was such a baseball fan, some of it started to seep into me. After we broke up, I still followed his beloved team and cheer for them to this day.

A mild interest in baseball is not all I've received from the past guys I've dated. Thanks to them, I expanded my music collection, learned about a range of topics (comic books, video games, sports, history, science, sex, etc.) and ultimately learned more about myself- good and bad qualities alike. So then I started wondering what my relationship resume would look like if I were ever thrown back onto the market...

What would yours say?

P.S. I didn't add him to my resume, but I picked up a few things about relationships from my dad like the importance of curiosity, taking an interest in people and broadening my circle. He also taught me how to give and expect respect and love without resorting to violence, stand up for myself and be self-reliant. Oh, and how to be late for everything.

Image: Daily Drop Cap by Jessica Hische