Halloween Treats and Recipes

Can you believe Halloween is back again? Worse yet, can you believe it's supposed to snow in NYC tomorrow?! Twenty-nine years of it and it never gets any easier.

Anywho, so are you guys dressing up for Halloween? I haven't been able to decide what to be or where to go (though considering Steve Jobs' passing, this 2008 iPod dancing silhouette costume came to mind) so as of now I've got nothing. But that doesn't mean I can't celebrate in other ways. Below, some Halloween-inspired treats for a sweet weekend. Enjoy yours!

Halloween cupcakes in a jar.
Cute and creepy versus spooky and playful treats.
Orange Jack-o-Lanterns with sorbet.
Apple cider cups.
Wicked witch cupcakes.
Pumpkin spice latte.
Chocolate spiderweb cake in a jar.
Candy creatures and Frankenstein marshmallow pops.
Candy corn cheesecake mousse. Even though I'm not a fan of candy corn, cheesecake, or mousse. Are you?

Image: glorioustreats.blogspot.com