Have You Been Showing Up for Yourself?

A few months ago, a good friend and former co-worker of mine said something that's stuck with me since and that I still have trouble implementing into my life. "You've got to show up for yourself. You show up to do these other people's work, why not show up for you?"

Well surprise, surprise my attendance has been poor as of late. It's surprising how much energy goes into fulfilling other people's demands and how powerful the pull to vegetate afterwards is.

In my attempts to reform and focus on MY wants if only for tonight, I've walked over to Starbucks to get some writing done. (Is it just me or is their soundtrack the best music to work to undistracted?) On Monday, I checked out Wix Lounge, a free workspace near Union Square where other cubicle-less people go to avoid the solitary life that is freelancing. There's plenty of table space, seating, couches, free WiFi, and a kitchen area so you can play office even when you're only working for yourself. At the end of the work day, the group holds events and networking opportunities to get to know your workspace mates...or you can be antisocial like me and jet out of there whenever you're done. (Find other workspaces, cafés, and WiFi hotspots in NYC on letsmeetandwork.com.)

Because I need structure in order to function, I scheduled in Pow Wow sessions Monday and Wednesday evenings that *fingers crossed* will force me to leave the apartment and make progress in other areas of my life. The ones that should always be first and foremost. I've also started using little tools to improve my productivity:

1. I started creating task lists on Gmail or Google Calendar (they sync) instead of on pieces of paper, notebooks, phone, sticky notes, brain, etc. to keep them all in one location that can't be misplaced.

2. All events, invites, and appointments go onto Google Calendar, which syncs up with my Android cell phone.

3. To continue the Google takeover, I've started using Chrome as my default web browser to take advantage of their applications (new email pop-up messages, view web calendar while offline, Bitly app which shortens URLs and posts onto your Twitter account without leaving the web page...you know, important stuff). I haven't missed Firefox or Safari since I made the switch.

4. I draft email and text message replies from my phone while I'm on the subway so I can send them off as soon as I'm above ground.

5. With Mint.com I can glance at all my finances, accounts, and transactions from one page.

I'm hoping these little changes help because good gravy, I can't believe it's almost November and I still have all these plans I wanted to get off the ground before my 30th rolls around in January. Homegirl really needs to get her mind right and quick. If only it weren't so easy to just settle for things as they are. And if only that little voice would stop nagging me to move my ass.

So what have you guys been up to these days? Anything remotely productive on the YOU front?

Image: flickr.com