And She's Off!

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I have a hard time slowing down and allowing myself to play with the possibility of boredom. On Tuesday, I was busy working a morning shift from home, conducting two interviews, making calls for a side project, and doing laundry when mid-afternoon rolled in and I felt like busting out. I was getting stir crazy from being in the house doing nothing but work! And even though I just wanted to walk without the attachment of computers, Internet, books, and cameras to keep me entertained on a much-needed walk, it was hard to leave all that stuff behind. What if I get to my destination - some cafe near A.'s job where I could pop in for a breather after an hour-long walk - and I'm just sitting there doing nothing?

Ultimately, I was able to part with my heavy laptop and set off, but I still brought stuff to do. Why is it so hard for us to stop running around like mad and feeding our brain more fodder to toy around with? Working from home is a blessing in that I wake up at the office, but it also makes it hard to set boundaries on your time. I could work all day on one thing or another and barely pause to eat a meal away from the computer. It can get quite draining when I let it.

I guess the good part in Tuesday's exercise was telling myself that even though I had edits to work on, interviews to transcribe, and packing to do for an early morning flight the next day, my mind really needed a break for a few hours. Everything else would just have to wait. Besides, the world won't collapse if it doesn't get done instantly.

Now, I wish I could say that then I went home and had a relaxing evening and full night's sleep, but no. I slept for three hours before needing to get up and out of the house by 3:30 a.m. to catch a flight to Alabama's Gulf Shores where I'll be spending the remainder of the week. It's days like these that make me wish I drank coffee.