Anthology Issue 8 Trailer: It's a Living

For its eighth issue, Anthology takes on the theme "It's a Living: Exploring the Creative Connection Between Work and Home" and visits the residences of creative types who run their biz from home. As a freelance writer who does just that, I really wish my apartment had a separate office to do it up all nice and organized and then close the door when the workday was done. (Right, like that would happen.) Instead I carry my laptop all around the house trying to get settled at my desk, the dining table, the couch, in get the point.

Check out Anthology's summer issue (see the trailer below and preview here) for smart décor ideas that don't involve squeezing your IKEA desk right next to your fridge and then read my interview with interior stylist/thrift store junkie Kirsten Grove as she takes us around her Boise, Idaho home.

Do you work from home? What does your workspace look like?