Birthday: Celebrated

On Friday I begun my 31st birthday by receiving some relieving news (the cancer is not genetic!) and ended my special day surrounded by family, friends, and really good Thai food. I felt like such a cool kid sitting there knowing that everyone came out to celebrate me. Even the close friends who couldn't join us for dinner, but instead swung by the restaurant just to give me a tight hug or joined us at the bar later on to spend a few hours with the group, made me feel happy, loved, and these days I couldn't have needed a better gift. Their time, kindness, and laughter is what's gotten me through the weeks and while my friends have really come through one-on-one, to see everyone gathered at one table was really humbling. I couldn't believe my luck at having cultivated all these beautiful little circles of friends who have been cheering me on through the night. Where would I even be without them?

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