In a Swirl of the Classical

I've never been a regular listener of classical music, but in the last week have suddenly taken to it like a feather grabs the wind. It's been one those things you never knew you craved until you get that first shiver and suddenly you're swirling waywardly about in its clutches, leaping, crying out for more. It soothes my mind to such mesmerizer that if I close my eyes I can almost feel the pirouettes on my brain. Can I admit that I've nearly been brought to tears at the realization that such emotion could emerge from the fragile strings of a violin?

I always thought I needed lyrics to sing along to in order to feel connected to the music, but it isn't so. Now unless I look at the title of the composition, I wouldn't know if I'm listening to German, Italian, or French because it's all one and the same: concentrated beauty, bouncing between the space of heavy and light, making its mark through the air.

Classical music blends in too well. It so easily fades into the back of my consciousness until I come back to during an arrestingly beautiful moment and realize that it'd been playing all along. The music is happy to exist without competing for attention. It isn't exhausting nor jealous, but simply breathes and in turn allows you to flow freely through its space, at your own time.

When the music is over, the silence feels so still. Just like the darkness is defined by an absence of light, there's music and then, a sudden void when the movement has passed on.

Do you listen to classical music? Which composers do you love?
