How Was Your Weekend?

Mine lasted about 5,000 years so I'm ready to re-enter civilization. (I'm giving it two hours before I want to retreat though.)


I discovered* a great new center a couple minutes away (by train) near Yankee Stadium. I was going to schlep all the way downtown to buy a wedding present at Bed, Bath and Beyond, but apparently there was one close by.

Ok, so I get to this place and imagine my surprise when I see there's not only a Bed, Bath and Beyond but a BJs, Best Buy, Applebee's, Staples, Michaels, Marshalls and....Target!! Eeee! (Yes, there's a Target, Marshalls and Applebee's a 10-minute walk from me, but it was a nice surprise and I loved that these other stores were there too.)

Anywho, I fulfilled my wedding duties and then walked on over to Target for some essentials. Then came home and cooked for the first time in about a month. Went to bed after midnight watching a Criminal Minds marathon on A&E. (Just started watching and I think I'm a little hooked. Does anybody else watch?)

*By discovered I mean Dad told me of its existence and I went to check it out.


The lovely bridal shower for Anonymous' sis. I admit I wasn't exactly in the mood to party that day. I was feeling cranktastic and it got even worse when Toby chewed up a second pair of flip flops this week.

I somehow made it to the place after my taxi driver took me on a tour around Yonkers because he had no clue where he was going. Once there I pretty much parked my butt on a corner of the couch watching Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and waiting for the soon-to-be-wed (in exactly two weeks!) to arrive. She did...about an hour and a half later.

Then came the games. Oh the games. Let me start by saying that I was set on observing rather than participating in any of them. I just wasn't into playing silly games and I especially did NOT want to join in on the toilet paper dress madness. (I know, I know! I'm a Debbie Downer. Anyway...)

First game: Get into groups and guess the girl's age in each of a bunch of pictures. Pass.

Second game: Toilet paper wedding dress. I was determined to sit this one out. But of course this one had a twist. The bride-to-be chose who'd pose as the brides and who their four dressmakers would be. Ok, out of all the women available why was I chosen as a dress maker? Who knows.

But you know what? I LOVED it! Our girl was by far the best dressed there. For starters, her paper dress didn't fall apart in the fashion show that followed and it was actually a nice dress/ she didn't look like a mummy. Girl worked it!

Much to my surprise, I had a great time participating in this one. My ice was starting to break.

Third game: Hot bouquet. Pass the roses around and if you're holding the flowers when the music stops, you're out. I played a bit reluctantly, but I was in there a lot longer than I expected to be.

Now, the bride-to-be is marrying an Arabic guy and in their culture, the bride has to belly dance at her wedding. So his sisters came baring coined hip scarves and taught us a couple moves. They were so good! Again, I watched from the sidelines...until Shakira came on. I couldn't resist.

I ended out the night by voluntarily belly dancing for the guests* with a little girl. It was awesome :)

*I wasn't drunk.

So I started off blah and ended up having a wonderful time. Now all that's left is finding shoes and getting my dress shortened. Two weeks left!


Straight chillin' because apparently I didn't do enough of it during my five day break. Went to see mami (aka eat her food) and then I took her out for ice cream.

Your turn.


Happy Friday!

Congrats, you survived the week! Meanwhile I've been off for so long I feel it should be Monday again.

* I have to (finally!) buy wedding presents today because there's another shower coming up super soon (won't say when so I don't inadvertently ruin the surprise). I haven't even checked out the registries yet.

* Pay bills and pretend to get my finances/life in order.

* I took a spontaneous trip to the Brooklyn Bridge yesterday afternoon only to find out something was seriously wrong with my SLR- crazy vibrations and buzzing are not normal. Apparently, the zoom lens is jacked up. Not sure if it's fixable. Also not sure if the roll I shot anyway came out any good.

* Labor Day weekend is coming up and I want plans! Preferably plans outside of the city so I need to sit and think of something. Any suggestions?



I'd like to start out by saying I'm a dope.

So remember when I completely put aside these wedding invites and bridal shower RSVPs and then dragged my feet on buying presents for these people?

Well turns out one of the bridal showers is tomorrow morning. TOMORROW! And I've got no present.

(Apparently a handmade collage of the things I would get them if I were rich is unacceptable.)

A few hours ago Anonymous' sister called me up to check if I was coming to the wedding.

"Yeah? I sent my RSVP a long time ago!"
"You did? I never got it! Well I checked you off," she said.

After I hung up, I grab the invite for the second wedding to make sure I still had time to send that one in (I have 'til October 5th). I'd been going back and forth about attending that shower, but figured I'd just suck it up and go. I take a quick glance at the invite to remind myself when it is. Surely it's sometime in September, I thought...

"Join us for a bridal shower brunch....August 22nd 2009, 11:30 AM- 3:30 PM," reads the invite.

It took me a quick second to realize August 22nd means tomorrow!

Obviously I'll be a no-show for that chick fest.
