Makeover 2: Health

I like how as soon as I think about writing a health update, I get sick. Lame. I hope this isn't going to be an annual thing.

I blame A. You see that 34-foot rock climbing wall to your left? He invited me to his gym again on Sunday and when I woke up Monday morning my body was in Pain. (I also spent the entire weekend running from one event to another in 19-degree weather, but that's neither here nor there. He's clearly the culprit.) So I've spent the last two days exhausted, sniffling and shuffling about.

Climbing that wall is fun, but incredibly challenging. I was holding on to dear life and giving myself pep talks to try and make it to the top (I did twice out of three times.) Too bad A. could see my legs shaking all the way there. On my second try I was so tired (and scared) there was just no way I could go any farther. I did better on my final climb after putting his advice to use: Keep your arms straight and push up with your legs instead of pulling yourself up. It's such a thrill to reach the top ledge, look down and realize how far you've climbed. I'm beat and still shaking once I hit the floor, but in my mind I'm beaming and thinking, "Oh my God, I actually did it!" They should have little trophies waiting up there.

But in this I've also learned 1) how out of shape I am and 2) how much I beat up my body on a daily basis. One little workout and my body begs for mercy. I speed walk everywhere and yet I'm constantly out of breath because I don't know how to pace myself. In my haste, I walk around as if I were stomping on the devil so my feet, ankles and my head ache. I know my poor time management skills play a role in this and I don't dedicate enough time to taking care of myself.

As always, the eating situation needs improvement. Why is a goal as simple as "eat every four hours" so hard for me to maintain? Before I know it the time has passed and I'm thinking, "Good God, it's time to eat again!? I can still taste the food I ate hours ago!" But because I'm a social eater, the dating thing has helped big time. I just need to eat that well when I'm alone and minus the costs.

Last week, I attended the kick-off event for Function: Well. 30 Tips for 30 Days which offers health habits to incorporate into your life. Granted, I think it'll take a lot more than 30 days for just one of these habits to take hold, but it's worth a try. But the great thing about the event was scoring a free 30-day membership to Equinox. I've never joined a gym for more than three days (it was also free) so I've been checking out their classes and motivating myself to sign up.

Now, should I take out my frustrations in kickboxing class or finally learn how to swim...